The energy landscape is changing and demand for energy efficiency is growing. Are you prepared to lead the way?

Our comprehensive energy management system connects utilities, grid operators, and customers to protect the electric grid and ensure reliable power for all. The Optimize Marketplace helps utilities optimize grid performance, measure and verify program performance, manage renewable energy resources and virtual power plants in real-time.

A reliable electric grid means safe and satisfied customers.

Through our holistic approach to demand management, COI enables utility partners to optimize the performance of the electric grid by utilizing temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent demand reductions from behind-the-meter (BTM) resources. At the same time, the utility partner remains the trusted energy advisor driving earnings for all stakeholders.

BTM services include:

  • Demand Response
  • Load Management (including peak shaving and Time of Day load shifting)
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Renewable Energy

A controlled energy profile means low cost and reliable power for utility customers and a reduced need for new transmission and generation investments for the utilities.


Transparency Through Asset Registry

Gain comprehensive insight into the flexible energy assets on your network. Uncover resource flexibility and target specific energy assets to support the grid. Utilize these insights to create targeted marketing campaigns for your customers.

Real-Time, Two-Way Communication

Ensure transparency and visibility through real-time two-way communication with customers. We provide energy insights to both utilities and their customers, and alert businesses ahead of emergency grid events or potential energy waste.

Flexible Asset Control

Streamline demand management by managing your network's energy assets from one platform. Remotely control customers' resources to efficiently manage demand and balance the electric grid.
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Subscription Pricing Model

Gone are the days of one size fits all! Business users can select the subscription package that best meets their needs from Essential to Premium. The business retains 100% of the revenue and savings generated on the platform from demand response, energy efficiency, and renewable energy measures. We incentivize business customers to become more energy efficient. In turn, buildings become more efficient and have excess capacity available to balance the grid while keeping costs flat. Resulting in earnings you can count on!

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