As we look to continue to grow the economy, we should consider the impact our choices will have on climate change. With all things considered, the Smart Grid is a highly effective climate conscious route in growing the economy which will pay big dividends in years to come. This route offers several benefits for all stakeholders in the process: electric utilities, businesses, consumers, and the environment. The integration of demand-side resources (energy equipment behind the meter) will play a significant and disruptive role in the smart grid of the future with consumers selling electricity at comparable or cheaper prices than utilities. Users of grid power and distributed generation will have the ability to generate value from otherwise stranded renewable energy and energy efficient assets, manage these energy portfolios in the palm of their hands utilizing Energy Resource Management Systems, thus making money whilst responding to the climate challenge. The COI solution will contribute to a $21 trillion climate economy that will reduce GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Emissions by 246 GTCO2e (a 23% reduction) by the year 2050 (Project Drawdown, 2017).
The introduction of the automobile transformed the lives of individuals all over. It created an industry legendary for its reliability. During the late 1800s / early 1900s, the main way for most people to get around was by foot or carriage. Innovation allowed for the first automobile to be invented and allowed consumers to choose to travel further distances. Once automobiles were transformed significant changes occurred. Cars became manufactured on an assembly line, markets were created, innovation was encouraged, and a new era of customer choice inaugurated (Woodford, 2018). This same potential exists for similar transformations and opportunities for the Smart Grid.
The Smart Grid is an infrastructure that uses a digital technology that allows for two-way communication between the utility / supplier and its customers, and sensing along the transmission
lines (DOE, 2019). Controls, computers, automation, equipment and new technologies work together within the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing electric demand (DOE, 2015). This two-way communication will enable consumers to save energy, reduce costs, and increase reliability and transparency (Al Abri et al, 2015). Like the automobile, technology holds the key to Smart Grids and their future. The grid was developed during a simpler time when power was localized, sourced from fossil fuels in a predictable manner, and businesses only needed enough electricity to power a few loads throughout the day. By 2017, the grid connected to 3,200 utilities and over 2.7 million miles of power lines (Brecheisen, 2017). The revolutionizing of technology over time is driving the need for a modernized grid with progressive capabilities. The growing demand society has imposed on the grid, combined with the maturing infrastructure, has resulted in the grid approaching capacity.
In order to support its continual success, a new wave of grid technology is certainly needed. This entails the largest modification since the creation of the smart grid. A major driver of this grid is the evolution of dispersed and variable energy sources such as wind and solar (Brecheisen, 2017). The smart grid allows for an easier integration of renewable energy systems such as utility-scale solar farms and customer-owned flexible energy resources like behind the meter solar chiller plants, lighting, and battery storage.
Composed of advanced digital technology, the Smart Grid is the rapidly developing, modern and tech-savvy successor to the original grid. The world is constantly developing more complexity, and therefore advancing new grid technology is vital in allowing the energy industry to advance to new levels of efficiency and reliability. Since renewable energy sources are continuing to blossom and mature, a supportive grid with demand-response technology and a higher efficiency is necessary to improve the immense potential in today’s energy industry. In addition, the Smart Grid will add an overall benefit to the environment and society, in the form of reducing the need for traditional transmission lines, power plants, and greenhouse gas emissions. A Smart Grid built and implemented successfully will also reduce usage during peak hours. This is already being demonstrated across the US. Research from the California Energy Commission shows that demand response works. They found that customers will reduce their demand by 5.7%. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) estimates that demand response can reduce peak demand by 3-7%, depending on the region. Demand response (DR) to manage customer load has been done by Progress Energy Florida (now Duke Energy) and has managed to reduce demand by as much as 2,000 MW (Scott, 2008).
COI Energy has identified four major critical challenges which can be overcome by Smart Grid technologies that are now available.
The first challenge concerns power outages. Power outages in 2016 resulted in losses of over $27 billion for US businesses across eight key market segments (Wootton, 2016). Reducing the likelihood of blackouts and power outages would result in savings of millions of dollars annually. Asset management technologies within the Smart Grid will allow for a better way to monitor major transmissions assets like circuit breakers and transformers, thus allowing the grid operators to better predict maintenance needs and avoid failures. A transformer that is 230kV or higher is an important multi-million-dollar asset with progressively long lead times for delivery.
The second challenge is lack of accuracy to predict and improve life expectancy. The average age of installed large power transformers (LPTs) in the United States is approximately 38 to 40 years, with 70 percent of LPTs being 25 years or older. While the life expectancy of a power transformer varies depending on how it is used, aging power transformers are potentially subject to an increased risk of failure (DOE, 2014). Consequently, asset management methodologies enabled by the Smart Grid offer life extension, since there will be more power generation and transmission options, and thus blackouts and cascading failures are greatly reduced or eliminated (Scott, 2008).
The third challenge is market inefficiency. Market efficiency and the economy are also important perspectives to consider when discussing the Smart Grid. Market inefficiencies are a result of a lack of information which affects all market domains including financial, commodity and energy. Improved methods of forecasting and managing demand and renewable production provided by the Smart Grid will help lead to improved market efficiencies.
The fourth challenge is keeping costs low whilst fulfilling the national obligations to modernize infrastructure and tackle climate change. In the United States there has always been a privilege to use energy at a low cost while having a reliable electricity supply for roughly a century, which is a major factor for economic growth, productivity, living standards, and environmental impacts. All these aspects are at risk due to aging infrastructure, changes in energy resources, and the need to alter the carbon footprint of the asset in response to global warming. Both the commercial and industrial sectors have benefited greatly from automation, embedded intelligence and incorporation into a broader field of electronic markets. Just like in the industrial and commercial sectors, electricity too will reap the same benefits from the Smart Grid. Marketplaces such as the COI Optimizer, that shall be described later in this white paper, will equally embed GHG emission data. Federal and state policies across the US are promoting and funding the integration of emissions intelligence as part of a modernization and climate change mitigation strategy whereby reported emissions are reduced over time towards internationally agreed targets.
For a Smart Grid to be considered fully functional, it must feature sensors throughout the transmission and distribution grid to collect data, real-time two-way communications to move that data and electricity between utilities and consumers, and the computing power necessary to make that intelligence actionable and transactive. Indeed, only by bringing the tools, techniques and technologies that enabled the Internet to the utility and the electric grid is any sort of transformation possible. A self-healing grid always encompasses digital components and real-time communications tools to monitor its own electrical features and can offer several benefits that support a more stable and efficient system. Three of the principal functions of a self-healing smart grid include real-time monitoring and reaction, anticipation, and rapid isolation. Real-time monitoring allows for the system to continuously adjust itself to an optimal state. With anticipation, this enables the system to automatically look for problems that could trigger larger disturbances in the system. Finally, rapid isolation allows the system to isolate parts of the network that experience failure from the rest of the system to avoid the spread of the failure and enables a more rapid restoration (Amin, 2012), thus addressing the second challenge of life expectancy of systems.
As a result of these parameters, a self-healing smart-grid can reduce power outages and minimize the duration when they do occur, thereby tackling the first challenge. Since the system is self-healing, it has an “end-to-end resilience” that senses and overrides human errors that consequently results in power outages. To this end, the power sector is among the leading industries in terms of research and development. Demand for electricity is rising fast. The system needed to operate the underlying communication networks, data centers, electric vehicle charging stations and storage facilities adds more than 2500 MW of global demand per year which was not in existence five years ago. The 2500 MW is roughly equivalent to approximately 825,000 homes use in one hour (Yogi Goswami et al, 2015). It is also worth considering that with the growing utilization of the Internet and the digitization of records, the world’s electric supply needs to triple by 2050 in order to keep up. In addition to managing power disturbances, a Smart Grid has the capability to measure how and when consumers utilize the most power. With this information it allows for utility providers to charge consumers adjustable rates for energy based on supply and demand, under a highly efficient market thus dealing with the third challenge. Eventually, this adjustable rate will provide consumers an incentive to shift their most demanding use of electricity to times of the day when need is the lowest. This will allow consumers to better manage and efficiently use energy while simultaneously contributing to a healthier environment by lowering GHG emissions, in effect overcoming the fourth challenge. In order to convert our current infrastructure into a self-healing smart grid, multiple technologies must be created and integrated. The ultimate smart-grid contains small self-sufficient power systems called microgrids, a smarter and stronger high-voltage power grid that serves as support to the overall system. For the grid to have self-healing capabilities it requires replacing traditional analog technologies that have digital components, software processors, and power electronic technologies. The key ingredient to the grid becoming self-monitoring and self-healing is by installing all these components throughout the system so that they can be digitally controlled.
There are several issues that factor into the slow progressiveness of the Smart Grid. The first of many being the technological development. There have been substantial developments in communication and information technology in the past decades. But in order to make the grid smarter, it is necessary to develop a new communication system, integrated or separate from the existing Internet, which would be resilient from attack and extremely dependable. Advanced sensor systems are to be developed to implement in the smart premises and grid for phase measurement, to get consumer consumption information and to control automatic circuit breakers for minimum interruption of electrical appliances during peak shaving. Innovative components like smart meters, efficient energy storage, smart appliances, high voltage DC transmission devices, and flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices are to be developed and implemented. Sophisticated software creation to protect and control the grid and appliances of consumers is also a key component to be included in technological development. This will allow for the smart grid to act on its own account by decision supports and advanced control.
To keep the vision of the smart grid, the quality of the supply must also be ensured. The current grid is to be recreated and extended to guarantee quality supply to all households. There also needs to be consideration for the integration of renewable energy. The ever-changing nature of renewable energy sources like wind and solar entail complex technologies that are integrated into the existing grid. They also require large amounts of land area. Shortage of technically skilled men and women and the wrong selection spot for implementation would also play a role in hampering the integration of renewable energy.
The interoperability and cyber security can be achieved only through rigorous implementation of various standards. The interoperability standards developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States include:
In earlier stages each country must develop their own standards for the implementation of smart grids considering their existing standards and for easy implementation. Internationally accepted standards and security measures will have to be implemented by all countries involved in the smart grid adoption to make the power grid a global grid (NIST, 2016).
With technology evolving and implementations happening, the global smart grid market size is expected to grow from USD 23.8 billion in 2018 to USD 61.3 billion by 2023, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 20.9% during the forecast period. This predicted growth is illustrated in Graph M.1 (Markets and Markets, 2018). Policies from the government and legislative mandates, awareness of greenhouse gas emissions, innovate grid technology, grid reliability and efficiency are driving forces in the adoption of smart grid solutions. In the forecast period, the highest market share is expected to be held in the smart grid distribution management segment. Smart grid distribution management consists of a software platform that integrates Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Energy Management System (EMS), Distribution Management System (DMS), Demand Response Management (DRM), and Distributed Energy Resource Management (DERM) for energy distribution management and optimization on a real-time basis. This software market segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period. The parameters in the study of the market can be viewed in Table M.1 (Markets and Markets, 2018). This table categorizes the market of the smart grid to forecasted revenues and analyze trends in each of the submarkets.
Based on the parameters, the software segment is projected to be the largest contributor to the smart grid market during the forecasted period. The smart grid market has 3 segments: software, hardware, and services. Smart grid software helps to simplify the implementation and functionality of the smart grid. The smart grid software enables grid players to ensure effective management of smart grid operations, improve process efficiency, and reduce energy production costs. Hence, the software segment in the smart grid market would witness an increasing demand from utilities. Based on software, the smart grid market consists of smart grid distribution management, substation automation, smart grid network management, grid asset management, advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), smart grid security, and billing and customer information system segments. The smart grid distribution management helps utilities in providing consistent, safe, and proficient power by offering advanced analytics, monitoring, training, and optimization by integrating Outage Management Systems (OMS), EMS, DMS, DRM, and SCADA. The main growth drivers for the smart grid distribution management software market include the growing smart grid technology market, increased adoption of distributed renewable generation, and increased regulatory pressure to reducing carbon emissions (Markets and Markets, 2018).
Table M.1
Graph M.1
Both utility side and business platforms play large roles in enabling a climate economy. Customer support plays a huge role in enabling a climate economy. 30% of all energy consumed in commercial and industrial buildings is wasted in the US (EPA, 2011). Lack of prosumer (business customers) awareness is one of the main challenges to addressing this waste and in the implementation of the smart grid. In order to reduce peak load consumption and promote distributed renewable energy generation, customer support is a must. Implementation of the smart grid guarantees improved quality and reliability of power supply. It allows for a user friendly and transparent interface for consumers with utilities, increased choice for prosumers including green power and options to save money by shifting loads from peak periods to off-peak periods. However, prosumers should be conscious of new technologies and support utilities to get the benefits of smart grid both for the individual and the nation.
Table S.1
The approximations in Table S.1 are created on the annual electricity supplied to the U.S. grid and the related CO2 emissions in 2030, as estimated by the U.S. Energy Information Agency (Markets and Markets, 2018).They represent the percentage reduction in the annual U.S. electrical energy production and resulting CO2 reductions, based on the emissions of the average U.S. generating power plant. This allows the percentage reductions to be placed in context with the renewable portfolio standard (RPS) for their electrical system that have been already adopted by many states, typically 20% or more over a period of one or two decades. The uncertainties in these estimates are relatively high, based on the range of estimates provided by the studies drawn upon for this report, and the judgment of the authors. While the individual reduction estimates are typically judged to be uncertain in a range of ±50%, and in some cases larger, the variety inherent in the mechanisms suggests a higher level of confidence when their combined effect is considered. The estimates assume full deployment (100% penetration) of smart grid technologies. Since the reductions are expected to be linear with respect to the penetration level, this assumption enables the estimates to be readily scaled to lower levels of assumed penetration. The importance of these reduction estimates is in their combined effect. While several of the mechanisms are estimated to have small or negligible impacts, five of the mechanisms could potentially provide reductions of over 1%. Moreover, the combined effect of the direct mechanisms is 12%, and the indirect mechanisms total 6% of energy and emissions for the U.S. electricity sector. These correspond to 5% and 2% of the U.S. total energy consumption and energy-related CO2 emissions for all sectors (including electricity). The magnitude of these reductions suggests that, while a smart grid is not the primary mechanism for achieving aggressive national goals for energy and carbon savings, it can provide a very substantial contribution to the goals for the electricity sector. Further, a smart grid may help overcome barriers to deployment of distributed solar renewables at penetrations higher than 20% (Baldacci et al, 2010).
COI Energy is at the center of this Smart Grid vision and is focused on creating a climate friendly economy and world by eliminating energy waste in buildings to improve the performance of electric grids globally. COI Energy is achieving this by contributing to the Smart Grid technology markets through:
Users are notified of ways to save energy and make money, adding tangible value daily. This influences a climate-friendly approach by enabling low cost, clean and flexible energy resources for utilities and business customers. To borrow from the current trend in transportation technologies, the platform can be viewed like Lyft for the electricity sector — it is a platform that manages a fleet of renewable energy and energy efficiency assets, allowing for the monetization of each asset when called upon. It brings real-time visibility to a process where lack of visibility was the driver of costs. Electric utilities can now remove aggregators from the process thereby driving down cost to activate behind the meter resources.
COI Energy’s primary customer is the investor owned utility (IOU), whereby they are offered a subscription-based business model that consists of a one-time activation fee and a monthly or annual subscription per meter. This unique business model enables the users of the platform to make as much money as possible from their energy assets without having to share the revenue with an aggregator. This contrasts strongly with COI Energy’s top 3 competitors: EnerNOC (Enel), C Power and First Fuel. EnerNOC and CPower provide a shared savings business model but they do not provide a marketplace to buy, sell, trade and gift capacity. They sell DR solutions. First Fuel provides energy efficiency (EE) solutions to utilities, but no marketplace. COI Energy does not take a split of the customer’s savings or revenue. The marketplace for Smart Grids is fragmented, with many competitors competing with one or two of COI Energy’s offerings, but they do not offer the same integrated solutions.
The COI Optimizer Marketplace Platform is an integrated hardware-software solution that combines the following three modules: OptimizeDRTM (Demand Response), OptimizeEETM (Energy Efficiency), and OptimizeRETM (Renewable Energy). Together these three modules form a critical set of technologies that fulfill a Smart Grid vision by enabling clean, low cost and flexible energy resources to improve the performance of the electric grid. The hardware assembly provides two-way communication enabling real-time data collection with manual and automated control functionality. Its artificial intelligence and machine-learning algorithm offers usage insights and predictive analytics around the energy assets in the building and allows the monetization of those resources. The energy assets include renewable energy (such as solar coupled with battery storage), energy efficiency (such as LED lights) and demand response (such as production equipment).
COI Energy’s solution enables better integration of renewable energy on the grid and more efficiency in the energy system; as such, it helps solve climate change. Buildings account for close to 40 percent of energy consumption in the U.S. and remain largely powered by fossil fuels. Customers could save on average 18 to 30 percent in energy consumption by fully engaging with the COI Energy platform. Once replicated across the US building stock, reductions in carbon footprint can be of even greater national and international proportions. Under a plausible scenario, representing incremental growth of renewable energy solutions in power generation using a high adoption trajectory to 2050, the global reductions would amount to 246 GTCO2e by 2050. That translates to $4.92 trillion net implementation cost and $20.96 trillion net operational savings in the grid around the world (Project Drawdown, 2017).
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Brecheisen, Lindsay. “Smart Grid- The Grid of the Future”. Advance Energy, 25 Jul. 2018, https://www.advancedenergy.org/2017/12/28/smart-grid-the-grid-of-the-future/.
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National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). “Standards Identified for Inclusion in the Smart Grid Interoperability Standards Framework, Release 1.0”. NIST, 25 Aug 2016, https://www.nist.gov/el/smartgrid/standards-identified-inclusion-smart-grid-interoperability standards-framework-release
Scott, Leonard. “Smart Grids Could Power a 21st Century Economy”. Digital Communities. 1 Dec. 2008, http://www.govtech.com/dc/articles/smart-grids-could-power-a-21st.html
US Department of Energy “Large Power Transformers and the U.S. Electric Grid”. US Department of Energy, 2014. Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, 1 Apr. 2014, https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/04/f15/LPTStudyUpdate-040914.pdf
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). “Promote Energy Efficiency with ENERGY STAR”. EPA, 1 Jul. 2011, https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2016-04/documents/promoting_energy_efficiency_with_energy_star.pdf
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Woodford, Chris. “History of Cars”. Explain That Stuff, 1 Dec. 2018, https://www.explainthatstuff.com/historyofcars.html
Wootton, Kim. “E Source Market Research Reveals That Power Outages Cost Businesses Over $27 Billion Annually; Winter Storm Jonas Makes It Worse”. E-Source. 27 Jan. 2016, https://www.esource.com/ES-PR-Outages-2016-01/Press-Release/Outages
Yogi Goswami, D., Kreith, Frank. “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Handbook”. CRC Press, 9 Sep. 2015, https://books.google.fr/books?isbn=1466585099 Project Drawdown, “Electricity Generation: Sector Summary”. Project Drawdown,1 January 2017, https://www.drawdown.org/solutions/electricity-generation
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Tejashwi is a highly skilled software engineer and system architect with extensive experience in designing and implementing scalable, cloud-native platforms. With expertise in cloud computing, microservices, and distributed systems, he is dedicated to solving complex technical challenges and driving innovation. Beyond his professional work, Tejashwi channels his creativity into developing games, cyber security and staying at the forefront of emerging technologies.
Eliza (Yi-Cen) Yang is a media professional with a strong passion for storytelling, climate advocacy, and human rights. Her journey began at the age of 15 as an international volunteer, which sparked her commitment to sharing diverse experiences and amplifying often unheard voices.
Eliza holds a degree in Diplomacy from National Chengchi University in Taiwan and a master’s in Media Ventures from Boston University. With over five years of experience in marketing, media management, and public relations, she has facilitated more than 100 media interviews with outlets such as NHK, BBC, and AP, securing coverage in over 500 top-tier publications.
In addition to her professional achievements, Eliza has hosted events, delivered a TEDx talk, and produced her own podcast, traveling across Taiwan to highlight stories of sustainability and marginalized communities. Her work reflects her dedication to using media as a platform to advocate for climate issues and human rights, striving to amplify diverse perspectives and drive meaningful change.
An avid traveler and camper, Eliza finds inspiration in connecting with people from various backgrounds, constantly seeking opportunities to share and uplift their stories.
Linda Long brings a wealth of expertise in accounting, financial analysis, and process optimization to the team. As a licensed CPA with over a decade of professional experience, she has excelled in driving financial transparency, operational efficiency, and strategic growth in organizations. Linda has extensive experience and a deep understanding of financial systems and controls for Power and Utility companies, having worked with the largest utility provider in Louisiana for several years. Her work spans risk assessment, operations, and compliance, with a proven track record of successfully leading teams to optimize financial controls, derive actionable data-driven insights, and enhance business performance.
Beyond accounting and auditing, Linda has spearheaded digital transformation initiatives, led sales pipelines, built ROI-driven value cases for clients, developed strategic product roadmaps, and implemented innovative solutions to improve operational efficiency. She holds a Master of Accounting and dual Bachelor’s degrees in Finance and History from Tulane University. Recently, she also completed a professional certification in Leadership from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.
Vijay Vivekanand earned an M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, specializing in AI engineering with a focus on Spiking Neural Networks and time series forecasting. His expertise includes developing advanced neural network frameworks that enhance machine perception and learning in dynamic environments. Combining his skills in AI and full-stack development, he builds scalable software solutions that integrate sophisticated AI technologies.
Abuzar brings five years of experience as an Operations Engineer at Engro Corporation (formerly Exxon), where he led multidisciplinary teams to execute critical energy efficiency enhancement projects. He also managed budget planning and spearheaded digitalization initiatives for the industrial complex. A Fulbright scholar, Abuzar holds a Master’s degree in Energy Systems from Northeastern University in Boston and a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering.
In his free time, he enjoys watching and playing soccer.
Julie is an experienced product and operations leader known for taking new products from 0 to 1 and scaling businesses 100X. She has a proven track record scaling emerging business units, building and leading high-performing teams, and bringing order to chaos in complex, fast-paced environments – from start-ups to Big Tech. Julie recently held positions at Google as Head of Operations & Strategy, Nest energy Services and Head of Partner Solutions. In addition, she has launched and managed energy efficiency programs for commercial, industrial & government sectors at CB&I. She has a Masters of Science in Energy Policy from University of Wisconsin Madison and B.S. in Biology from Duke University.
Harsh is a data science graduate student at Northeastern University, having a keen interest in solving modern problems using machine learning and data driven algorithms. Apart from this, Harsh loves traveling and is a huge fan of Formula 1.
Samuel Berrien, from Fort Meade, Florida, is a dedicated family man with an enduring commitment to his wife Tamika of 18 years, and their daughters Princess and Reaganne. Beyond his family, Samuel’s community-oriented spirit led him to serve as the former mayor of the City of Fort Meade. Currently working as a Sales/Field Technician at COI Energy, he passionately delivers energy-efficient solutions to municipalities and businesses. Samuel staunchly believes in addressing climate change urgently and taking collective responsibility by embracing sustainable practices and advocating for clean energy policies to reduce our carbon footprint.
SaLisa has over twenty-five years of experience in the electric power and smart grid space. From working at electric utilities to smart grid, cleantech, and big data analytics companies, SaLisa has had a diverse career in energy.
Since 1996, SaLisa provided over 50 scholarships to high school and college students. In 2004, she established the Karl H. Lewis Engineering Impact Alumni Endowment at the University of Pittsburgh for minority students enrolled in Engineering.
SaLisa holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh and an Executive MBA from Saint Joseph’s University. She’s been a guest speaker at various conferences and events including SXSW, Florida’s Women in Energy Leadership Forum, American Society for Engineering Education, and Morgan Stanley’s Sustainable Futures Summit to name a few. In 2019, she was appointed to the Board of Trustees at the University of Pittsburgh.
One of SaLisa’s core values is philanthropy. Her mission in life is to positively impact the space she occupies by leaving it better than she found it.
Jon is pursuing a degree in Interactive Design at Lesley University. He loves challenges, new ideas, and interacting and working with people. Jon has previously worked with more than 5 different nonprofits in Massachusetts promoting inclusive clean energy, which is how he became interested in working for COI Energy. You can find Jon teaching his puppy creative marketing tricks.
Aggie Bielak received her Master Degree’s in Marketing from Lasell University and her BA in Multidisciplinary Studies from Cambridge College. Aggie, originally from Poland, moved to the Boston area to further her education in the U.S. She is passionate about green marketing, renewable energy sources, and energy efficiency, which is what brought her to COI Energy. Aggie believes that innovation should serve people and solve social problems. Thus, she is happy to be a part of an organization that is helping fight energy poverty and working towards providing everyone access to clean energy. She enjoys working in marketing field and exploring graphic designing. In her free time, Aggie takes pleasure in playing tennis and reading criminal novels.
Prakash brings 16+ years of experience in technology, developing pricing as a center of excellence, competitive intelligence capabilities, and building customer value. He advices on pricing strategy and value creation. Prakash earned his B.Eng. degree in Chemical and a MS in Operations Management and Info. Tech from Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI). He also earned his MBA with a concentration in Marketing and Entrepreneurship from Babson College and an Executive Education in Strategic Decision & Risk Management from Stanford University. Prakash is certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP), Agile Scrum Master (CSM), Pricing Professional (CPP), and Competitive Intelligence Professional (CIP-I).
Prakash volunteers a portion of his time in teaching high school students in the art and science of pricing as well as being a regular sought out speaker in the topics of pricing and competitive intelligence at various conferences.
Kaitlin Moody is a building decarbonization, microgrid, and virtual power plant enthusiast with a diverse background in clean energy, carbon neutral buildings, federal and state government, and behavioral sciences. Kaitlin holds a MA in Criminal Justice from CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice and a BA in Psychology from St. John Fisher College. To encourage students from her high school alma mater to consider a career in clean energy, every year Kaitlin provides a graduating senior with the Clean Energy and Environmental Sustainability Leadership Award. The Awardee receives a monetary award, a mentorship opportunity, and a networking opportunity throughout their collegiate and professional career.
Additionally, Kaitlin firmly believes that communication and relationship building are critical strategies that must be woven into all processes and practices in order to reduce GHG emissions at scale. When Kaitlin isn’t daydreaming about a decarbonized built environment and clean electric grid, she is traveling (sustainably!), playing with her two dogs, Hank and Rigby, running, biking, or golfing. Fun fact: Kaitlin has completed 4 out of the 6 Abbott World Marathon Majors.
Manpreet Kaur Gill is a Full-Stack Developer on the offshore product development team. She has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Manpreet’s technical skills include: Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Hibernate, AWS, MySQL, and Angular JS.
Dhruv Chakraborty is a Senior Full-Stack Developer. He leads the offshore product development team and has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Dhruv’s technical skills include: Java, Python, C#, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Hibernate, AWS, Docker, MySQL, and Data Engineering.
Xu Kang has a background in engineering, clean energy, sustainability, research and data analytics. Xu holds a MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a BS in Agricultural and Biological Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Through her work on market development and energy efficiency analysis, Xu has become passionate about improving our planet through climate change adaptation and mitigation measures and through various environmental sustainability mechanisms. In her free time, Xu loves to travel and explore restaurants with friends!
Jake Rabinowitz is an expert in clean technology and sustainable energy systems. He holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Columbia University, where he researched nanoscale tools for energy conversion, sensing, and biological applications. He is passionate about energy efficiency because it is the most accessible way to create a more sustainable future. He is also a dedicated mentor to aspiring STEM professionals, including being a judge for the Women In STEM research proposal writing competition. When Jake isn’t designing tools to eliminate energy waste and integrate clean energy assets, he likes to unwind by playing music. Fun fact: Jake has a real handlebar mustache.
Leona Foxworth has over 20 years of customer service experience in the finance, medical, and non-profit sectors. Leona moonlights as a Google Sheets and Excel connoisseur and is passionate about helping others. Leona attended Trinity Baptist College and has a certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace. As a Florida native and a NYC transplant, Leona understands the importance of combating climate change. Leona is committed to promoting a safe and clean environment for generations to come. On the weekends, she enjoys spending time with her friends, looking for the best coffee shop NYC has to offer, and volunteering for a local non-profit.
Ryan’s background lies between technology and sustainability, having previously worked in renewable energy and the blockchain sector. Ryan graduated from Babson College with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sustainability and Operations Management. Wanting to positively impact the environment, Ryan knew that after college he wanted to pursue a career in clean energy. Ryan has made changes in his own life to reduce his carbon footprint by biking to work and becoming vegetarian. In his free time, Ryan enjoys traveling, hanging out with friends, and watching the Celtics.
Bio to come….
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Shivi has been passionate about using data for social good that lead her to become a Data Analyst at COI. She is a data enthusiast and has experience in managing databases, mining, data reporting, and delivering data-driven solutions. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering along with a Master’s in Data Analytics from Northeastern University. Shivi believes that we all have a “Plan B” in life but unfortunately, we don’t have a “Planet B”! So, let’s conserve energy to preserve the future.
Sara is the Associate Marketing Manager at COI; she works closely with the marketing, sales, and operations teams to ensure a customer-first focus. Sara has a BSBA in Finance and Marketing from Washington University in St. Louis. Since joining COI, she has enjoyed the opportunity to constantly learn in a fast-moving, ever-evolving space. As an avid traveler, Sara is especially interested in creative energy and sustainability initiatives that exist in different parts of the world, like a smog free tower in the Netherlands and solar powered village in Morocco. Leadership shown by younger generations in the fight against climate change gives her hope for a greener and more equitable future.
Cole Sussmeier recently graduated from Binghamton University with a major in business analytics and a minor in math. Cole is an Energy Analyst Intern at COI who focuses on data quality improvements and the development of a machine learning algorithm to predict future energy demand for clients. As a part of the Analytics team, he also helps develop new features to provide additional insights and visualizations on the COI platform.
Kristi Le is a 3rd year at UCLA where she studies Computational and Systems Biology. She is based in San Diego and works as a Business Analyst at COI, understanding features from a tech perspective and converting the functional requirements into mockups for the development team. In her free time, she enjoys spending time in nature.
Jake is an electrical engineering Ph.D. with diverse expertise in clean energy solutions. He is passionate about energy efficiAidan Sliwkowski is a Marketing and Sales Intern at COI Energy Services. He is currently working towards his bachelor’s degree in Sport Management and minor in Sustainable Community Development at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. At COI, he is responsible for content creation, website development, and market research. Through his work, he hopes to help grow COI’s business so that it can become the industry leader in energy efficiency.ency because it is the fastest way to reduce emissions.
Chirag Ballani is a current junior at New York University and is interning as a Sales Development Representative at COI. As an SDR, Chirag helps with researching potential clientele and finding new areas and segments to expand COI’s offerings. In his free time, Chirag loves exploring new restaurants and hiking in different parts of the country.
Maria Cobos is a Senior at USF, studying for a bachelor of science in Electrical Engineering. Later in life, she aspires to be working with prosthetics by returning to school for a master’s in Biomedical Engineering. Currently, she is the Customer Success Coordinator Intern at COI Energy Services. Her focus is on keeping constant communication withcustomers to ensure maximum satisfaction and demonstrate COI’s commitment to transparency. By working with the project managers and the team, she verifies that the equipment is functioning correctly, informs customers of upcoming maintenance, and reinforcesCOI’s promise to help communities become more sustainable.
Xu joined COI Energy as an energy analyst in June 2021 with the passion towards sustainability and energy industry. She earned her master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and bachelor degree of Agricultural and Biological Engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Through her education and research experience of renewable energy, Xu gained deeper insights in environmental engineering and data analytics. She enjoyed performing research and analysis for strategies that help climate change adaptation and providing a more sustainable future.
Antoine is a high-achieving and results-driven IT Executive with more than 20 years of proven IT experience in diverse energy, health care, high-tech, legal and pharmaceutical sectors. Outstanding leadership skills in driving high-performing teams in aligning IT services with business needs, by combining product development and professional services, with finance, sales and marketing management. Antoine has been interested in clean energy personally and professionally for more than 15 years. He has invested in solar and built a smart home with energy efficient HVAC, lighting and outlet controls. Antoine’s ultimate goal is to build a retirement home completely independent from the grid by leveraging battery backup, solar and wind generation.